We are only told big words. We can’t help ourselves wondering about the nerve those politicians have, lying to our faces constantly. One day, despite their disagreement, they keep on supporting their prime minister and his decisions, even on the referendum.

The next day, after the humiliation and the embarrassment they experienced in Cannes, they back away discreetly. Everyone, one after the other, pose in front of the TV camera to make grandiose statements.

I won’t give a confidence vote. He belongs to the past. He should commit to resignation. He has lost every contact with reality. Elections must be held. All of us, the poor citizens, who watch in despair Greece crawling heavily injured, are waiting for their medicine. We expect some form of restructuring. We expect an escape from this dead-end.

Behind the scenes, those attached to power, and who apparently can’t live without it, are rolling out a brand new red carpet for their prime minister to walk on. They won’t pull it from under his feet. All of them, based on poor excuses, finally support him on the confidence vote.

Once again, they sacrifice on the altar of power the parts of the country, they have already destroyed.


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